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CCA Graduation 2020 Pennant


Capturing The Spirit Of The 2020 Class

While working with CCA’s Student Affairs Office I was given the task of designing the official pennant that would be given to the graduating class of 2020 as a gift. This was assigned to me from the schools Marketing Communications team, making it the first time that the pennant was designed by a student.



The Idea

During my initial meetings with the Marcom team we brainstormed aspects that we wanted the pennant to embody. This lead to us deciding that the pennants main focus should be capturing the point in history that CCA is at in 2020.

From this I broke the idea down into separate ideas to focus on: reflecting the 2020s’ feeling of flow and anticipation, exuding CCAs’ active and diverse community, and capturing the celebratory nature of graduation.


The Designs

Over the span of a semester I drafted the ideas for and designed 4 different designs. Through multiple design meetings I refined the designs until we reached a mutual agreement on the final two.

Between the final two designs, the student body of CCA will vote on which one they want to have by the commencement date on Saturday, May 16th, 2020.



The Fluidity design represents the anticipation and exciting changes that graduation embodies in an unconventionally styled pennant. The shapes are amorphous and aren't fully formed as the students are also continuing to grow and form into their own, throughout and outside of school.



The Embellished design features flowers that represent both campuses in a traditionally styled pennant. Green Dahlias for San Francisco represent strength, creativity, and change while the White Chrysanthemums for Oakland represents optimism and joy.


The Additions

Once the final two designs were chosen buttons to compliment them were also designed. The winning design will also have the buttons created as part of the students’ graduation gift.


The Finale

Printed and expanded upon to work as a complete package, Fluidity was made a reality and gifted to the California College of the Arts class of 2020.


