Level Up ESports
Sit Down and Level Up!
Level Up ESports is a personal project where in the world of gaming you too can become an athlete, you just need a controller! Bringing that youthful excitement to the big leagues, Level Up is the platform for student gaming from the noobs to the pros. So get those thumbs ready and prepare to play! Sit Down and Level Up.
The Logo
Combining movement with an upwards motion, the Level Up logo uses the letters L and U to create a shield. Resembling a sturdy, dependable organization without sacrificing fun in its form.
Promo Video
Inclusiveness is one of the core values of Level Up. The idea that anyone can be a gamer and become anything in a game was the main focus of this commercial.
I story-boarded, illustrated, and animated the promotional video targeted towards gamers new and old.

Gear Up
When students become members they receive a Level Up package full of goodies. This includes a membership card, official t–shirt, and buttons.
Log In and Join
Both games and people can be featured on the homepage as the photo’s cycle through. This showcases which games Level Up has teams for as well as showing the community behind it.
Want to see more? Check out my process book below: