Displaying Bay Area Displacement
“DISPLACED,” is a documentary film surrounding the Bay Area housing crisis and its impact on Oakland youth. My role was to create supporting visuals and animations to advertise the premiere.
The Designs
“DISPLACED,” is a student-made film from the alumni of Youth Beat. Creating visuals for a project that is both incredibly impactful but also personal to the creators was the goal of the three-person team I was on.
While we all had a hand in both design directions, it was my job to create online applications as the supporting designer. I created supporting visuals for both designs so we could better understand the directions before we ultimately decided on direction two.

The Extensions
As an extension to the final design, Social Media applications and After Effects motion graphics were created to advertise the film. These were mainly created for use on Instagram as was asked of me, but the graphics were also made with universality in mind.